– Excursion into the Thinking of Yoruba People
The shrewdness of Yoruba people is showcased in many ways, including their parables, folksongs, rhymes, and anecdotes. Yoruba people use parables, folksongs, rhymes, and anecdotes as the vehicles for transferring their thoughts from individuals to individuals, and communities to communities. The following allegory reveals the inventiveness of Yoruba people:
YORUBA: Opeyinbo fi di’dun s’ewa, egun to mbe l’ara re le n’irinwo.
ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY DELE AJAJA: Pineapple beautifies itself with sweetness, but bears more than four hundred pricking spines.
CLARIFICATION: This is a cautionary maxim about the people who appear to be sweet outwardly, but mischievous behind closed doors.
IMAGE: Sweet, but harbors pricking spines on its body.
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