– Take a Stand for What is Right
YORUBA: Ai’le ja nii je won o bi mi n’ile yi. Odan ojude baba eni kii gbe’ja eni.
ENGLISH: It is the coward who avoids a fight because he is not a native of that town. The banyan tree outside of one’s father’s house doesn’t come to one’s aid (if a fight takes place in one’s town.).
CLARIFICATION: The brave man fights for a good cause anywhere he finds himself. It is the coward who makes the excuse that he is unable to fight because he is not a native of that municipality. It is not as if someone would come to his aid in a one-on-one fight, if the match takes place in his hometown.
PS: This is NOT about physical fights – it involves the advocacy for judicious causes.
IMAGE: The banyan tree outside of one’s father’s house doesn’t come to one’s aid, if the fight takes place in one’s hometown.
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