Sunday, February 23, 2025


– Be Considerate
© Dele Ajaja
“The world is a multi-floor dwelling place, where someone’s floor is the roof over somebody’s head. For the sake of peace, civility, and the good old ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you,’ avoid floor-stomping when you occupy a higher floor. Being a rotating and revolving earth, time and tide sometimes move some people from upper to lower floors, and others from lower to upper floors. Even empires and civilizations have risen and fallen, because no man, nation, or culture could halt the march of time. Occasionally, those who breach the bridge after crossing to the other side of life, have no means of retreating if adversities strike at their end. We could all co-exist peaceably with bits of open-mindedness.” – Dele Ajaja

IMAGE: Avoid stomping on higher floors.

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