Monday, March 31, 2025


Cock Crow at Dawn’

– Another hit track by the iconic Nigerian songster, Bongos Igoche Ikwue. Bongos Ikwue  and the Groovies animated the Nigerian entertainment sector a few decades ago.

You can hear the bird sing, in the morning,
You can hear the water splashing down the hill;
Kind of roaring;
You can see the sun, going down,
And the people, as they go by,
Without a frown.
Here, the traffic never jams,
‘Don’t’ cost much to buy some yams,
And the neighbours say hello—–

And will strife to pull you up from down below,

You can even hear the sound of the cock ‘crow’ at dawn.

Will he ever get there?
Will he ever make it?
Will he ever hear the sound of the cock crow at dawn?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 buses everyday,
With nothing left at the end of each day,
And the rattle, he must pay,
With much to think, he often has no say.

Will he ever get there?

Will he ever make it?

Will he ever hear the sound of the cock crow at dawn?

Here, the traffic never jams,
‘Don’t’ cost much to buy some yams,
And the neighbours say hello—–

And will strife to pull you up from down below,

You can even hear the sound of the cock ‘crow’ at dawn.

You can even hear the sound of the cock ‘crow’ at dawn.

You can even hear the sound of the cock ‘crow’ at dawn.


IMAGE: Bongos Igoche Ikwue.

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